Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Triangle in Palmistry - The Importance of Triangles and How They Can Be Good or Bad

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/
A triangle in palmistry can have many different  meanings depending on where it is at on the palm, For instance...

...a triangle found on one of the lines is considered a good indication. A triangle located on any one of the lines can mean that the positive characteristics the line possesses will improve much more than without the presence of the triangle.

In addition, an increase in harmony as well as fortune in life is a greater possibility.

...A triangle found on the hand, palm generally indicates good fortune as well as harmony and peace. It can also indicate an increase of creative talents and intellectual learning at the time.

...A triangle found on any of the mounts could be an indication of favorable success. However, this must be a proper triangle in this case, because if it is not developed properly or malformed, it's a bad sign and could be a type of hindrance in your life.

As you can see, there are many signs and indicators to look at and understand to get an accurate picture of what it means for you in your life. That's why if you're really interested in learning about the triangle in palmistry you should go here ..... It will give you an in-depth look for you master these principles to benefit you for the rest of your life.

Below are some more great resources to help you understand the triangle in palmistry.

Triangle in Palmistry/ revision

Very informative and gives some good information on this aspect of palm reading. You might have to watch it more than once to get the details of what is being explained.

The Great Triangle in Palmistry

 I found this informative and included it although it does have some typos. Many different triangles can be formed, but the great triangle is something to look for which includes its formation from many lines combined. Also, I've included and excerpt below that further explains how it is formed and its characteristics.

Originally from :
The Great Triangle is formed by the lines of Head, Life, and Health (Plate XXV.). The larger this triangle is, the better will be the health, for the reason that the Line of Health will be further removed from the Life Line. The views of life will also be broader and the field of action as it were less limited.
When the upper angle (made by the Head and Life Lines) is acute, the subject will be more nervous, timid, and sensitive.

I hope this information has given you a better understanding of  the great triangle in palmistry. There is a lot to know and it may be quite confusing at times, but a good understanding of this as well as all the other areas of palmistry is well worth the time to learn to know more about yourself as well as those close to you.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fate Line Palmistry - The Most Important Line For You To Understand

Image courtesy of Vuono /
Fate line palmistry is an extremely important line to read correctly and most palmists will be very careful to make sure that all of their energies are focused on taking the time to do so.

It's never read on it's own in isolation, but usually a palm reading will include wisdom, success and property lines at the same time. Doctor Yoshimafumi Harada says that reading all the lines mentioned along with the fate line in palmistry will add more synergy and richness to the information you receive.

You might be thinking that you want to have the skill and knowledge to read your own palm. If so, here is a resource that can give you that needed information to successfully learn this skill.

Fate Line Palmistry Variations - Palmistry Reading

It's very important to read the fate line correctly. It's one of the most important lines in palm reading because it has a great impact on your life. This article gives a great basic understanding on where it is and what the variations in line lengths and other characteristics mean for you.

The fate line in detail 

 A great video to watch to get to know all about the fate line in palm reading. It gives a good basic foundation of what it is and what it means to you.


Palmistry: Fate Line Palmistry and Your Financial Destiny ...

A lot of the same information already given, but it has some really good visual illustrations that can help you interpret what your fate line can mean to you in your life. Not a lot of information, but it's to the point.

As you are already aware, you don't want to read and interpret the fate line incorrectly. It's far too important and I'm sure you want the right information. Take all that is in this post and really get to know what the fate line is all about. Even with this information you might want to have a palm reading yourself to get a hands on experience.

 In addition, if you want to go beyond the basics and really become an expert to read your own palm as well as those you love and want to help, just go to the top of the article and click on the link to find out more about how you can learn this fascinating art and science in greater detail online.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Money Line Palmistry - What the Hand Reveals About Your Financial Destiny

Image courtesy of Sujin Jetkasettakorn /
Everyone wants to be wealthy but how can you know what's in store for you? There is no money line per say, but money line palmistry is the observation and interpretation of many factors on the hand including hand structure, lines and mounts that all have a say of what your future holds.

The lines of heart, life and fate as well as the mounts of Jupiter, sun and Venus all
have an influence on your financial meter.

The resources below will help you understand how it all ties together using palm reading.

If you want to go a step beyond and actually receive in depth training in palmistry to change your life as well as those around you then click the link above and find out how you can become an expert yourself. It's a skill you will have to help you the rest of your life

Money Line Palmistry is Tied to Many Lines

 A pretty detailed video on whats in store for you financially associated with the many lines and mounts of your hand.

The Fortune In Your Palm - Wealthymatters

If you want to know more about wealth in your life as it pertains to, then this article can give you some more in depth information. A lot of palm illustration examples and the info can help you understand more completely what is meant by money line palmistry. If you haven't realized it already, it takes a lot of insight to come to the correct conclusion when palm reading. You need to know how all of the mounts, lines, shape of the palm etc. all come together to really get the right interpretation of what is going on.

If you really want to know how to become proficient in palm reading, then go to the top of this post and click on the link to find out more about how you can become the palm reader you've always wanted to be. It's a skill that will benefit you in every aspect of your life

What is Palmistry - A Powerful Way to Get the Insight You Need in Your Life

Image courtesy of Michal Marcol /
Everybody is at least curious about how the palm can tell you and me about our lives. What is palmistry and how it can affect your decisions of where you want to go is what this post and blog is all about.

The information on palm reading below will give you some basic background and information to help you become clearer on the subject, so you can use it successfully in your own life.

If you want more detail and specifics on palmistry, you can go to the palmistry course website to receive  more information from one of the leaders in the field of palmistry to change your life and all those around you.

But for now, here is some great information that will get you started.

The Basics of Palmistry and Astrology

Astrology and palmistry are considered to be in the same science category. The video explains different parts of the hand and what they mean. Also, it shows how your energies you presently have are amplified by utilizing your hands.


What do the lines on palms of our hands tell us? - Delco News Network

Great article giving a brief history into the beginning of what is palmistry and that there are actually a lot of opportunities to experience classes and workshops to have a reading as well as learn the basics.

What is Palmistry

Palm reading, more technically known as chiromacy, is the art of telling the future or determining something about a person by looking at the palms of their hands. It is an ancient mystic art, with its roots deep in India's past.

This article gives more detail on background and history as well as explains that chiromacy goes far beyond just reading the lines of the hands, but takes the whole hand in consideration. Most of the reading centers around lines and bumps, but hand, finger shape and lengths also are considered and included.

Hopefully this will give you a better idea into what is palmistry and how it can help you in your life. Palm reading is a skill, if learned properly, will benefit you for the rest of your life with all your decisions.

If your interested in learning this fascinating science for yourself, just go back to the top of the article and click on the link taking you to a comprehensive palmistry course that will give you all you need to truly learn a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

How to Palmistry - Discover Palm Reading and Change Your Life

Image courtesy of phanlop88 /
If you want to know how to palmistry for all of your life decisions, then here is some information that will help you get there.

You can watch a very informative video of hands on palmistry session (no pun intended) as well as some articles about how palm reading is very beneficial for parents to understand how to deal with each child based on what the hand reveals.

Also, an article about the late John F. Kennedy Jr. and how palmistry crossed his path during his lifetime. Not directly related to how to palmistry, but a good read and really how the power of palmistry or chiromacy can be in ones life.

Like always, if your interested in learning how to read your own palm in detail, so you have this skill to use on yourself or friends and family anytime you want,. check it out...and find out how you can learn the art and science of palm reading online.

Dr. Sarah Larsen - How To Palmistry

Dr. Sarah Larsen is a third generation palm reader and a medical intuitive. Very interesting to watch a live reading in action as part of her palm reading seminars. 


Palmistry and Children | Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog

Knowing the art of palm reading on not just your own hands, but your children's can be a very powerful way help them in the direction of their own lives. A very fascinating read of how palm reading can help you avoid making mistakes with your kids as parents by knowing what the hands tell you.

When John F. Kennedy Jr. Came to India - New York Times (blog)

Many people disregard palm reading as a mystery and a pseudo-science, but how can you dispute thousands of years of practice and refinement using the hand to tell about a persons life and give indications of how to live based on what can be seen.

Well there you have it. A little more insight and knowledge of how to palmistry. There's a lot to learn and there are many great resources to get detailed instruction on how to palmistry that can literally change the way you make decisions and live your life. Also, if you want to know how to palmistry for yourself, click the link at the top of the page and get the information of learning chiromacy in detail.