Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Triangle in Palmistry - The Importance of Triangles and How They Can Be Good or Bad

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/
A triangle in palmistry can have many different  meanings depending on where it is at on the palm, For instance...

...a triangle found on one of the lines is considered a good indication. A triangle located on any one of the lines can mean that the positive characteristics the line possesses will improve much more than without the presence of the triangle.

In addition, an increase in harmony as well as fortune in life is a greater possibility.

...A triangle found on the hand, palm generally indicates good fortune as well as harmony and peace. It can also indicate an increase of creative talents and intellectual learning at the time.

...A triangle found on any of the mounts could be an indication of favorable success. However, this must be a proper triangle in this case, because if it is not developed properly or malformed, it's a bad sign and could be a type of hindrance in your life.

As you can see, there are many signs and indicators to look at and understand to get an accurate picture of what it means for you in your life. That's why if you're really interested in learning about the triangle in palmistry you should go here ..... It will give you an in-depth look for you master these principles to benefit you for the rest of your life.

Below are some more great resources to help you understand the triangle in palmistry.

Triangle in Palmistry/ revision

Very informative and gives some good information on this aspect of palm reading. You might have to watch it more than once to get the details of what is being explained.

The Great Triangle in Palmistry

 I found this informative and included it although it does have some typos. Many different triangles can be formed, but the great triangle is something to look for which includes its formation from many lines combined. Also, I've included and excerpt below that further explains how it is formed and its characteristics.

Originally from :
The Great Triangle is formed by the lines of Head, Life, and Health (Plate XXV.). The larger this triangle is, the better will be the health, for the reason that the Line of Health will be further removed from the Life Line. The views of life will also be broader and the field of action as it were less limited.
When the upper angle (made by the Head and Life Lines) is acute, the subject will be more nervous, timid, and sensitive.

I hope this information has given you a better understanding of  the great triangle in palmistry. There is a lot to know and it may be quite confusing at times, but a good understanding of this as well as all the other areas of palmistry is well worth the time to learn to know more about yourself as well as those close to you.